Larry Sheingorn, M. D. 9715 Medical Center Drive - #502 Rockville, Maryland 20850 phone: 301-279-2770 fax, during office hours: 301-294-5322 page: 1-888-632-3377 |
We are next door to Shady Grove Hospital, minutes from I-270's exit 8 -- Shady Grove Road. Follow the blue "hospital signs" from I-270, exit 8, or Rt. 355 and Shady Grove Road. From the Shady Grove Road hospital entrance, we are the building to the right -- adjacent to the emergency room entrance. |
Please understand, if you want us to submit your bills to your insurance company, any required "referral forms", etc., MUST be on file with us at the time of service. We can not afford to practice as we do and make exceptions to your insurance company's rules. We thank you in advance for your understanding.